Bilateral Physcial Training
Kat has extensive experience in sports from inline skating, cycling, judo and dancing for many years.
She turned to the gym scene to help her self esteem and confidence and wanted to improve her body image but most of all for self therapy.
Kat was currently at F45 but had now taken the huge and confident leap in joining our team!
She’s also studying nutrition to help ensure her clients can also achieve serious results too!
Kat is a well grounded person is very assertive and loves a challenge so she’ll guarantee to make your sessions challenging as well!
From Kat:
Working out at the gym and taking nutrition and well-being sessions helped me to become the person who I am now.
As a PT and Accredited nutritionist I want to help other people to become the best version of themselves, not only physically, but mentally!
Coming from a dancing, judo and also F45 background, my training style will be a mix of high intensity and strength/conditioning training.